Marit Strømøy


After 14 seasons in Formula 1, the body has had to endure harsh stresses. In the last couple of years it has settled on my shoulders and I sometimes have poor mobility and a lot of pain.

Much of the training has therefore gone into strengthening the shoulders and neck. Together with Aleksander Treidene at Naprapat and Health, we have found a way to maintain a reasonable level of load and training, and the shoulders are better than they have been for a long time.

The treatment has resulted in increased mobility and pain relief. The most important thing, however, is the idea of help for self-help. Where others advise rest, Aleksander has given me good exercises that enable me to prevent and strengthen where the problem lies.

Marit Strømøy i racer drakt

Eva Skatteboe

Handball player

I came to Aleksander with pain in the rear left leg and often repeated stretching during handball training, matches and running.

After a check-up with Aleksander, I received good guidance and knowledge about how the injury could be treated and improved. I became part of his online coaching program, where he created a solid training plan for me. Despite the fact that I live a few miles away, it was almost like having a training session with Aleksander every day, thanks to daily reminders via the Senefix app. I felt I received good follow-up, both when it came to the injury, but also the motivation and what purpose the various exercises had for me. My previous thoughts about "training" after an injury are that it's boring and that you never see the goal. I am no longer left with this feeling. I have learned that you can not only train the injury again, but that you can become stronger than the starting point.

After my two months with Aleksander, the leg quickly improved, but also stronger than it was before I came to him. Thanks to a good training program and, not least, good pulling help from Aleksander, I was back on the handball court again after two months, pain-free.

I take with me a healthy leg and many good exercises that are now part of my training program. I am super pleased and grateful for all the help I have received, and will continue to go to Aleksander if an injury should occur again.


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