Kåre Holter Solhjell

"Terapi slik all terapi burde være."
Marit Strømøy i racer drakt

After suffering from Achilles on and off for more than 10 years, it finally stopped. All movement eventually hurt. Running, which is my main form of exercise, became out of the question. The tendon and calf muscles were sore and stiff.

Fortunately, I came across senefix and Aleksander during desperate googling for a solution. With almost daily follow-up and subsequent frequent adjustment of the strength training program, I quickly noticed that Aleksander's method was the way to go, progressive loading with the aim of heavy loading of the tendon. I'm actually a bit shocked at how much weight I was eventually able to put on the Achilles.

After about 3 months of exercises for Achilles and the rest of the body, the progress was so good that I let go of Aleksander and continued on my own. Now, 9 months later, I am completely pain free. For the first time in as long as I can remember, the Achilles tendon is not tender to the touch. I can pedal as much as I want in running training without being afraid of pain or that my calf muscles will be stiff in the morning. And at work as a fire constable, I can painlessly fly 10 floors with a cold start and full equipment. I consider the days with Achilles problems counted.

Kåre Holter Solhjell

"Therapy as Therapy should be"

After suffering from Achilles on and off for more than 10 years, it finally stopped. All movement eventually hurt. Running, which is my main form of exercise, became out of the question. The tendon and calf muscles were sore and stiff.

Fortunately, I came across TendonFix and Aleksander during desperate Googling for a solution. With almost daily follow-up and subsequent frequent adjustment of the strength training program, I quickly noticed that Aleksander's method was the way to go, progressive loading with the aim of heavy loading of the tendon.

I'm actually a bit shocked at how much weight I was eventually able to put on the Achilles.After about 3 months of exercises for Achilles and the rest of the body, the progress was so good that I let go of Aleksander and continued on my own.

Now, 9 months later, I am completely pain free. For the first time in as long as I can remember, the Achilles tendon is not tender to the touch. I can pedal as much as I want in running training without being afraid of pain or that my calf muscles will be stiff in the morning. And at work as a fire constable, I can painlessly fly 10 floors with a cold start and full equipment.

I consider the days with Achilles problems counted.


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bilde av Thomas

Jeg anbefaler Senefix hvis du har problemer med akilles!

- Lars Thomas Thorstensen

bilde av Kåre Holter

Terapi slik all terapi burde være. Etter å ha vært plaget med akilles ...

- Kåre Holter Solhjell


Etter 14 sesonger i Formel 1 har kroppen måttet tåle harde påkjenninger. I de si ...

- Marit Strømøy


Jeg liker å være fysisk aktiv, men har slitt med vonde knær siden sommeren 2016. Begynte å trene ...

- Geir-Morten Hansen


Alltid stiv i akilles på morgenen eller når jeg hadde sittet lenge stille. Hindret meg ...

- Thomas Johansen


Jeg opplevde store smerter i høyre albue og hånd etter en lengre periode ...

- Espen Flåteteigen


Etter år med en stadig vondere akillessene fant jeg Senefix. Aleksander gav meg ...

-Tevje Samodee


I flere måneder i ro etter legens anbefaling, fikk jeg hjelp av Alexander til å starte med ...

- Thorlill Bonden

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