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Terje is satisfied with TendonFix - Maybe you want to be the same?

Opplastet: 7 oktober

After only a couple of months with TendonFix, Kate could walk the Dronningstien in Hardanger!

Opplastet: 22 september

Pekka is a triathlete and teacher and got great help from TendonFix!

Hear what Trym, who is an elite series player in handball and a physiotherapist, says about TendonFix.

Hear Heidi's story. How she could barely walk to be active again!

How Maria went from sick leave, got help in TendonFix to become active again!

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The solutions to your plantar fascia pain are hidden in this e-book. Here you will read about the following topics

  • General information
  • Knowledge
  • Is it safe to put on load?
  • Optimal load
  • What affects strain, pain etc.
  • Pain strategy
  • HSR Training
  • prognosis
  • What other measures can be taken?

Download e-book about Plantar Fasciopathy

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What do our customers say ?

Hør deres fantastiske historier
bilde av Thomas

Jeg anbefaler Senefix hvis du har problemer med akilles!

- Lars Thomas Thorstensen

bilde av Kåre Holter

Terapi slik all terapi burde være. Etter å ha vært plaget med akilles ...

- Kåre Holter Solhjell


Etter 14 sesonger i Formel 1 har kroppen måttet tåle harde påkjenninger. I de si ...

- Marit Strømøy


Jeg liker å være fysisk aktiv, men har slitt med vonde knær siden sommeren 2016. Begynte å trene ...

- Geir-Morten Hansen


Alltid stiv i akilles på morgenen eller når jeg hadde sittet lenge stille. Hindret meg ...

- Thomas Johansen


Jeg opplevde store smerter i høyre albue og hånd etter en lengre periode ...

- Espen Flåteteigen


Etter år med en stadig vondere akillessene fant jeg Senefix. Aleksander gav meg ...

-Tevje Samodee


I flere måneder i ro etter legens anbefaling, fikk jeg hjelp av Alexander til å starte med ...

- Thorlill Bonden


Jeg kom til Aleksander med vondter i bakre venstre legg og ofte gjentakende strekker ved håndballtreninger, kamper og løp ...

- Lorem

    I had a lot of problems with my achilles as an active handball player. After finishing his handball career and a few years with a fine tendon, the problems suddenly returned.

    - Tine Rustand Albertsen

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    I have used TendonFix for 5 months. due to problems with the Achilles tendon. Had struggled with pain, swelling and stiffness in the tendon for over half a year.

    - Gry Moberg

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    I came to Aleksander with pain in the rear left leg and often repeated stretching during handball training, matches and running.

    - Eva Skatteboe

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    After a few months of pain in both Achilles tendons, Aleksander helped me with a training program that has given me good results and I can now do all the activities that I could do before the problems.I recommend TendonFix if you have Achilles problems!

    - Lars Thomas Thorstensen

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    Therapy as all therapy should be. After suffering from achilles on and off for more than 10 years, it finally stopped...

    - Kåre Holter Solhjell

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    After 14 seasons in Formula 1, the body has had to endure harsh stresses. In the say...

    - Marit Strømøy

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    I like to be physically active, but have struggled with painful knees since the summer of 2016. Started working out...

    - Geir-Morten Hansen

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    Always stiff in the Achilles in the morning or when I had been sitting still for a long time. Hindered me...

    - Thomas Johansen

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    What would a pain-free Achilles mean to you and your life?

    This eBook will help you regain your faith, gain inspiration and knowledge to address your ACHILLES PAIN to live the life you've been missing and find meaningful!

    Download free e-book about Achilles pain

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    I experienced great pain in my right elbow and hand after a long period of time...

    - Espen Flåteteigen

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    After years of an increasingly painful Achilles tendon, I found Senefix. Alexander gave me ...

    - Tevje Samodee

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    For several months at rest following the doctor's recommendation, I had the help of Alexander to start with ...

    - Thorlill the Farmer

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