Achilles pain?

TendonFix helps you wherever
you are located through our app.
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Achilles pain?

Senefix hjelper deg hvor enn du befinner deg gjennom appen vår.
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What is Senefix?

Senefix er en online rehabiliteringsløsning for senebetennelse gjennom en app med Aleksander som guide.
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Who is Senefix for?

Senefix er en tjeneste for deg som har senebetennelse og ønsker å bli smertefri og få tilbake en bedre og mer aktiv hverdag.
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What services does Senefix offer?

Senefix tilbyr digital rehabilitering for senesmerter som akilles slik at du kan løpe igjen. Og det beste; i bedre form enn før skaden.
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Hey you!

Welcome to

What is Senefix?

Senefix er en online rehabiliteringsløsning for senebetennelse gjennom en app med Aleksander som guide.
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Who is Senefix for?

Senefix er en tjeneste for deg som har senebetennelse og ønsker å bli smertefri og få tilbake en bedre og mer aktiv hverdag.
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What services does Senefix offer?

Senefix tilbyr digital rehabilitering for senesmerter som akilles slik at du kan løpe igjen. Og det beste; i bedre form enn før skaden.
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Here, Aleksander explains what TendonFix is

In this short video, Aleksander explains what TendonFix is, and why it may be relevant for you.

What is TendonFix?

TendonFix is a digital rehabilitation and coaching platform that gives you all the tools you need to reclaim your life.

Video can be played directly here or on Senefix's YouTube channel.

Video about Senefix

In this short video, naprapat Aleksander Treidene explains what Senefix is, and why it may be relevant for you.

What is TendonFix?

Limitless endurance, and unstoppable strength!


This is TendonFix

We provide you with a therapist and coach who will create a customized program to help you become pain free from tendonitis and better trained than ever before. Boundless endurance, and unstoppable strength!
Read about Senefix

Hello, my name is Aleks!

Aleksander is a therapist and has helped patients 1-1 with muscle and joint problems for many years. In the clinic, he works with all muscle and joint ailments, but is particularly interested in tendinitis.
Read about Aleks

What is Senefix?

Naprapat Aleksander + Mobile application = Senefix

This is Senefix

Senefix er en online rehabiliterings- og coaching plattform rett i lomma. Med vår mobile applikasjon og oppfølging 1-1 med meg vil jeg sørge for at din akillessene blir smertefri
Read about Senefix

Hello, my name is Aleks!

Aleksander er naprapat og har hjulpet pasienter 1-1 med muskel- og leddplager i mange år. I klinikk jobber han med alle muskel- og leddplager, men er spesielt interessert i senebetennelse.
Read about Aleks

What would a pain-free Achilles mean to you and your life?

This eBook will help you regain your faith, gain inspiration and knowledge to address your ACHILLES PAIN to live the life you've been missing and find meaningful!

Download free e-book about Achilles pain

Leave your name and email to download the e-book so you can get better from your tendinopathy

We will not send you spam. Unsubscribe whenever you want.

What would a pain-free Achilles mean to you and your life?

This eBook will help you regain your faith, gain inspiration and knowledge to address your ACHILLES PAIN to live the life you've been missing and find meaningful!

Download free e-book about Achilles pain

Legg igjen navn og e-post for å laste ned e-boken så du kan bli bra av din senebetennelse

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Don't take our word for it,

Read why the customer likes Senefix.

Therapy as all therapy should be. After suffering from achilles on and off for more than 10 years, it finally stopped...

Kåre Holter Solhjell
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After 14 seasons in Formula 1, the body has had to endure harsh stresses. In the last couple of years, it has settled on the shoulders…

Marit Strømøy
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Is TendonFix for you?

TendonFix is for you who have pain in tendons such as Achilles, knee tendons, hip tendons or shoulder tendons. TendonFix is a service for you who need motivation, knowledge and the right measures to become pain-free and have a better and more active everyday life.
Customer experiences

Don't take our word for it,

Read why the customer likes Senefix.
Terapi slik all terapi burde være. Etter å ha vært plaget med akilles av og på i mer enn 10 år, sa det til slutt helt stopp ...
Kåre Holter Solhjell
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Etter 14 sesonger i Formel 1 har kroppen måttet tåle harde påkjenninger. I de siste par årene har det satt seg på skuldrene ...
Marit Strømøy
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Is Senefix for you?

Senefix er for deg som har smerte i sener som for eksempel akilles, knesene, hoftesene eller skuldersener.

Senefix er en tjeneste for deg som trenger motivasjon, kunnskap og tiltak for å bli smertefri og få en bedre og mer aktiv hverdag.

All customer experiences


The solutions to your plantar fascia pain are hidden in this e-book.

Download e-book about Plantar Fasciopathy

Legg igjen navn og e-post for å laste ned e-boken så du kan guide deg selv til bedring.

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The solutions to your plantar fascia pain are hidden in this e-book. Here you will read about the following topics

  • General information
  • Knowledge
  • Is it safe to put on load?
  • Optimal load
  • What affects strain, pain etc.
  • Pain strategy
  • HSR Training
  • prognosis
  • What other measures can be taken?

Download e-book about Plantar Fasciopathy

Leave your name and email to download the e-book so you can guide yourself to recovery.
We will not send you spam. Unsubscribe whenever you want.

What services does Senefix offer?

An application. All possibilities.

TendonFix App

Several years of experience gathered in a practical application, gives you as a customer many opportunities. With the help of the TendonFix application, you will be able to get a tailor-made plan that is designed just for you.


Flere års erfaring samlet i en praktisk applikasjon, gir deg som kunde mange muligheter.

Ved hjelp av system fra Trainerize, vil du kunne få et skreddersydd opplegg som er designet kun for deg.

Available in the App Store and Google Play

Achilles pain?

We provide you with a therapist and coach who will create a customized program to help you become pain free from tendonitis and better trained than ever before.Limitless endurance, and unstoppable strength!
Achilles Rehab

Rehab Achilles

  • Videokonsultasjoner

  • Individtilpasset trening og oppfølgning

  • 24 timer support

    Support av meg via messenger portal i applikasjonen

  • Tilpassede styrke- og kondisjonsprogrammer

  • Personlig plandesign for å nå dine mål

  • Innebygd vanesporing for å optimalisere alle aspekter av ytelsen og smerten din.

  • Ukentlig innsjekking og sanntidsmeldinger med treneren din

  • Kroppsmåling og datasporing

  • Push-varslingspåminnelser for planlagte treningsøkter og aktiviteter

  • Mulighet for ernæringsovervåking og rådgivning

  • Koble til bærbare enheter som Apple Watch (synkronisert med HealthKit), Fitbit og Withings for å synkronisere kroppsstatistikk umiddelbart.

Leave nothing to chance. Join today!

Achilles rehab

What services does Senefix offer?

An application. All possibilities.

Senefix App

Flere års erfaring samlet i en praktisk applikasjon, gir deg som kunde mange muligheter.

Ved hjelp av Senefix applikasjonen, vil du kunne få et skreddersydd opplegg som er designet kun for deg.

Senefix App

Flere års erfaring samlet i en praktisk applikasjon, gir deg som kunde mange muligheter.

Ved hjelp av Senefix applikasjonen, vil du kunne få et skreddersydd opplegg som er designet kun for deg.


Rehab Achilles

  • Videokonsultasjoner

  • Individtilpasset trening og oppfølgning

  • 24 timer support

    Support av meg via messenger portal i applikasjonen

  • Og masse mer

    Sjekk ut lenken under

Achilles rehab

The ultimate solution for you.

TendonFix automatically connects you with an experienced clinician and coach who will help you build a tailored program just for you. Limitless stamina with unstoppable strength!

Customized strength and conditioning program

So you don't have to wonder which exercises you need to do, they are designed for you, your problem and level. And of course: Helping you develop unlimited stamina and unstoppable strength.

Performance and data tracking

No worries about dosage and progression.

Personal plan to achieve your goals

You are the superhero, and the rehab should be based on your goals and premises.

Are you interested? Do you need help?
Check out our services now!